no virus, only a rumor

Albert Lunde (
Sun, 23 Apr 1995 00:21:27 -0500

There is no such thing as a "Good Times" e-mail virus, only an old, widely
forwarded, rumor that such a virus exists.

The Good Times virus rumor was debunked months ago (when it came out) from
several sources. For details, I'd refer you to the CIAC notes, which also
discuss what is and is not possible via e-mail. See both Dec 8 94 and Jan
11 95:

Please do not use the list to discuss how such a virus might or might not
be possible -- this one is a hoax, I've heard it all before (just a few
days ago on firewalls, and several times elsewhere), and the issues are
covered in the notes referenced above.

If something you get via e-mail sounds like an urban myth it probablity is ;)

    Albert Lunde